Time-Domain Audio Source Separation Based on Wave-U-Net Combined with Discrete Wavelet Transform


Publication Year


Computer Science - Machine Learning,Computer Science - Multimedia,Computer Science - Sound,Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Audio and Speech Processing


  • Tomohiko Nakamura
  • Hiroshi Saruwatari


We propose a time-domain audio source separation method using down-sampling (DS) and up-sampling (US) layers based on a discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The proposed method is based on one of the state-of-the-art deep neural networks, Wave-U-Net, which successively down-samples and up-samples feature maps. We find that this architecture resembles that of multiresolution analysis, and reveal that the DS layers of Wave-U-Net cause aliasing and may discard information useful for the separation. Although the effects of these problems may be reduced by training, to achieve a more reliable source separation method, we should design DS layers capable of overcoming the problems. With this belief, focusing on the fact that the DWT has an anti-aliasing filter and the perfect reconstruction property, we design the proposed layers. Experiments on music source separation show the efficacy of the proposed method and the importance of simultaneously considering the anti-aliasing filters and the perfect reconstruction property.