Hey everyone!

My name is Daniel and I work as a Research Scientist at Spotify in the Music Intelligence (MIQ) team. I focus on developing deep learning approaches for audio and particularly music processing tasks - for more detail, click here.

Previously, I did my PhD at the Centre for Digital Music (C4DM) at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). Under supervision of Prof. Simon Dixon and Sebastian Ewert, we explored how typically data-hungry deep learning approaches can be applied to machine listening tasks, where often only few labelled data is available.

I am very passionate about music – be it listening, playing the drums, or singing. Out of this passion grew an urge to understand the phenomenon of music from a scientific point of view. Luckily, music informatics was offered during my computer science studies at the Technical University Dortmund, so I started diving into the field.

Feel free to check out and comment on my blog posts or contact me directly.
